New Year Resolutions : Why Yours Will (probably) Fail…

Keith Blakemore-Noble
6 min readJan 17, 2020

…and What You Can Do About It

Like a great many people, you have probably made some New Year Resolutions at the start of the year.

And like a great many people, you will almost certainly fail to keep them.

Indeed, according to research done by the University of Scranton, 92% of people fail to keep their resolutions over the year — which means that only 8% of people actually succeed with their resolutions!

Fewer than 1 in 12 people succeed in keeping their New Year Resolutions. It doesn’t have to be that way…

Indeed, in recognition of this, 17th January each year is “Ditch Your New Year Resolution Day” (complete with its own obligatory social media hashtag, #DitchYourResolutionsDay on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more) — a date by which usually around 30% of people have already failed to keep their New Year Resolutions.

Does this mean New Year Resolutions are bad and worthless?

Absolutely not!

The reason I am writing this is not to say you should not make New Year Resolution.

My point is simply that if you are going to do so, do you want to be in the 92% who fail, or do you want to be in…



Keith Blakemore-Noble

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